Thursday, April 15, 2010

16 Horsepower "Secret South" LP

Out of print forever and issued on vinyl Aug. 09 I had to pick this up. It also has a disk with the surround sound mix of the album. You can't go wrong with David Eugene Edwards' intense brand of Gothic Americana.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Volcano Choir "Unmap" LP

Being a fan of Bon Iver I promptly ran out and picked this up. Now almost 7 months later I am still undecided about this record. I have no problem with experimental music. I listen to and appreciate most everything. Then why is it I cannot get into this record? Perhaps I am too fond of the haunting beauty of For Emma Forever Ago. I do hope that soon I will be able to listen to this record and allow it to stand on its own merit...Maybe another three months.